joi, 21 octombrie 2010


Si poate ca si alte nuante...
Sterg o lumanare de praf si astfel as vrea sa sterg si praful din societate. Accentul cade pe plagiarism, fiind socotit precum autenticitatea. Diferentele de gandire, cele imbaxite de minciuni cat si ceke stralucite sunt inegale Raiul lor este infernul meu si invers. Dar totusi, ce este infernul?... un subiect atat de des intalnit, dar niciodata sincronizat cu asteptarile fiecaruia, niciodata generalizat si cu cealalta parte de lume, de opinii. Aceasta lume uitata, ce are la baza arta, care pare a fi mult prea indepartata, este alcatuita din zeitati fara puteri supranaturale, dar cu menirea(destinul) de a scrie, de a picta, de a canta si incanta lumea.

2 comentarii:

  1. I appreciate your talent and inclination for art. However, my requirements for you, for the Economic Information discipline, was to create a blog and / or Google site to show me what you are doing every class to complete your knowledge related to this course(found by you in the materials I have offered for study). It would also have to reflect how is progressing your project work (especially because your team is a considerable size - 3 people). For each of you, I want pursue these activities on-line as well (of course, in order to get higher marks).

  2. I forget to say about the English language settings. So, please change / post in English all issues related to Economic Informatics.
